
Free: A Month of…

A Month of Peace. Embody Yourself

A Month of Peace

Think soothing thoughts, take calming actions and return to healthy emotions base levels. Embody peace.

A Month of Happy. Embody Yourself

A Month of Happy

Think happy thoughts, take actions that bring you joy and bask in positive emotions. Practise happy habits every day.

A Month of Self-Love. Embody Yourself.

A Month of Self-Love

Think loving thoughts, prove to yourself that you are worthy and deserving and feel the self-love grow every single day.

Permanent Transformation: A Year of…

A Year of Peace

A Year of Peace

Let go of unwanted emotions and re-centre yourself. Take calming actions and think soothing thoughts. Embody peace.

A Year of Happy. Embody Yourself.

A Year of Happy

Think happy thoughts, take actions that bring you joy and bask in positive emotions. Embody happiness through happy habits.

A Year of Self-Love. Embody Yourself.

A Year of Self-Love

You deserve everything you want to be, do and have. Time to think, act and feel your worth. Embody self-love.

Block Courses and Workshops

Self-Awareness Emotions


Reconnect with your emotions and feelings through two essential emotional intelligence skills.

Clean Slate

Clean Slate

Wipe your emotional slate clean and prepare yourself for a new beginning – any time you need to – in this 90min workshop.

Self-Awareness Actions


The actions we take influence our thoughts and our emotions. No more reacting. Instead, act.

Who are you?





Everything we repeat turns eventually into a habit, including thoughts, actions and emotions.


When we repeat our habits often enough, they become automatic. We forget that they are simply learned.


Our thoughts, actions and emotions create constant loops. We believe that’s who we are.

Change is a constant.

Choose the direction.

Embody yourself.