A Month of


Embody Yourself

Love yourself every day

Course Details


Miriam Bross


4 Weeks



Course Content

How to you embody self-love?

Think loving thoughts about yourself, take actions to prove your worth and feel love and appreciation for you every single day. Love yourself by practising self-love techniques until they become habits. Then practise some more. Eventually, the praise, the self-care acts and the love become so automatic, you forget you learned them.

That’s how I did it. The best part? It didn’t take long to feel worthy and deserving again because embodying self-love is just going back to who we were born to be. Practise your first technique today. Embody self-love. Embody yourself.

This course is for you, if you...

♦ feel grounded most of the time.

♦ are ready to truly madly deeply fall in love with yourself

♦ love simple and fun exercises you can do during the day.

If you prefer to boost your happiness levels or re-centre and ground yourself first, take a look at the other free courses instead.




♦ 5 e-mails straight to your inbox for a month: One welcome video and 4 more every Tuesday.

♦ 5 of my favourite self-love practices.

♦ Links to resources.

What’s Included

6 Short Videos

5 Self-Love Techniques

Price? The course is free.

Who are you?





Everything we repeat turns eventually into a habit, including thoughts, actions and emotions.


When we repeat our habits often enough, they become automatic. We forget that they are simply learned.


Our thoughts, actions and emotions create constant loops. We believe that’s who we are.

Change is a constant.

Choose the direction.

Embody yourself.