A Year of


Embody Yourself

Ground and re-centre yourself.

Course Details


Miriam Bross


52 weeks


€ 222

Course Content

What does it mean to be at peace?

A peaceful person is calm most of the time. How? We think soothing thoughts and take calming actions. When we experience strong emotions, like anger, fear and sadness, we use techniques to return to a healthy base level as soon as possible. And we practise daily habits to keep those base levels low.

What about you? Are you ready to embody peace? Practise new thoughts, new actions and release emotions that hold you back. 52 weeks, 53 peace techniques. Return to the calm person you were born to be. Embody yourself.

This course is for you, if you...

♦ have tried “quick fixes” and techniques to regulate your thoughts, actions and emotions in the past but they didn’t work.

♦ want permanent change and are willing to deliberately move towards peace.

♦ are busy and prefer short techniques you can use throughout the day.

This course is NOT for you, if you...

♦ already feel grounded most of the time.

♦ are looking for a quick magical fix.

♦ just want information.


♦ 53 peace techniques delivered straight to your in-box for 52 weeks

♦ short videos explaining the techniques and how to apply them

♦ links to resources

What’s Included

53 Short Videos

53 Peace Techniques



Who are you?





Everything we repeat turns eventually into a habit, including thoughts, actions and emotions.


When we repeat our habits often enough, they become automatic. We forget that they are simply learned.


Our thoughts, actions and emotions create constant loops. We believe that’s who we are.

Change is a constant.

Choose the direction.

Embody yourself.