A Year of


Embody Yourself

Self-love is all you need.

Course Details


Miriam Bross


52 Weeks


€ 222

Course Content

Do you know that you are worthy and deserving?

When I used to hear people tell me that I was worthy and deserving I nodded along. Sure I was! Everybody is! Yes… Only I didn’t actually feel like it. Turns out knowledge is great! But by itself it does not lead to permanent change. For that, we need to embody the knowledge.
So, I transformed my life by adding one loving thought to another. I practised caring actions and allowed myself to feel the love for me. I even basked in it. Everything we repeat eventually becomes a habit. When we repeat habits often enough they become so automatic that we even forget they are habits.
I love myself every day. Sometimes passionately, other times compassionately. What about you? Are you ready to fall in love again and rebuild the most long-term relationship of your life? Shift your thoughts, take caring actions and love yourself.

This course is for you, if you...

♦ want to feel worthy and deserving in every cell of your body.

♦ enjoy short and simple exercises you can practise during the day.

♦ mostly feel grounded and centred.

This course is NOT for you, if you...

♦ just want knowledge to soothe yourself a bit. That’s OK too. Come back when you want to taking action.
♦ do not know how to ground and centre yourself yet. Please take a look at my other courses A Month of Peace (free and start here) or A Year of Peace (if you have already finished the month-long course).

♦ 53 self-love techniques delivered straight to your in-box for 52 weeks

♦ short videos explaining the techniques and how to practise them

♦ links to resources

What’s Included

53 Short Videos

53 Self-Love Techniques



Who are you?





Everything we repeat turns eventually into a habit, including thoughts, actions and emotions.


When we repeat our habits often enough, they become automatic. We forget that they are simply learned.


Our thoughts, actions and emotions create constant loops. We believe that’s who we are.

Change is a constant.

Choose the direction.

Embody yourself.