Just google “joy” and you’ll find plenty of books, research and even speeches about the subject. But joy is just bite-sized happiness. Why not go for happiness in the first place? Why do some people prefer to aim for joy?
Lessons from the past
From a biochemical point of view, what we call joy and happiness are identical physical reactions. A mix of neurochemicals, like dopamine, oxitocin and endorphins, are released when you experience anything that makes you happy or brings you joy. It’s our inbuilt reward system so we keep doing things that are good for us.
From a social point of view though, happiness is a big deal. Most of us are taught to believe that happiness is linked to a certain outcome. You need to have stuff, a special life-style, and tons of money to be happy.
This is not actually true. Happiness, like all other emotions, is a matter of habit. You can learn to be happy. I’ve even created a free course to help you practise the happiness habit if you are interested. But if you feel intimidated by happiness, then joy might be the better option for now.

Hits of joy
So if happiness sounds too big, too difficult or even unattainable, focus on joy. How do you do that? Write a list of anything that makes you smile or laugh. Include people who lift you up, places that create a sense of awe and activities you love to do.
Examples from my joy list: cat memes, the beach, sunsets, sunrises, sugar-free hot chocolate, reading and writing. I am practising joy right now writing this post. Like any other emotion, the more you practise it, the easier it gets to feel it. So make your own list with actions, stuff and people that bring you moments of joy.
Every day, pick at least five items from your list and enjoy them. The more joyful moments you build into your day, the better, because joy is not just fun but healthy. It keeps down your stress levels and releases tensions in your body.

Five a day
Make joy a habit. Bookmark funny pages, like this one with hilarious wild animal pics. Watch your favourite sitcom. Look – really look – at the sunset and if you can also the sunrise. Add a reminder to your day to pet your dog for ten minutes.
Most importantly though decide right here and now that you make joy a part of your day. Every day. Decide that you put down your phone once in a while and look around. That you pay attention when you pet your cat.
Five hits of joy a day. Every day. Before you know it, joy will become so easy to live that those moments grow closer together and you live a happy life. So, if happiness feels out of reach right now, go for joy.