Your Toolbox

Your Toolbox

We all have our own toolbox to help us get through tough times in our lives but also to solve daily problems. Some of the tools we inherited from our parents, grandparents or even the family members who came before them. Others we received from the people around us....
About Impatience

About Impatience

Do you often feel impatient? What do you feel impatient about? Your work, your to-do lists or even your life? Impatience is a feeling that we learn to inflict on ourselves and others. It is supposed to motivate us to get more done but at the end of the day, it’s just...
About the Mind

About the Mind

How come you react in ways you don’t like? Why is thinking new thoughts difficult? And what can you do about it? Let go of misconceptions you learned about the mind. “Mind over matter.” “I think therefore I am.” And so on. If you are working with centuries-old...
Actions vs Reactions

Actions vs Reactions

Do you act or react most of the time? We like to think that we are in charge of our actions because we are taught that this is so. We’re all individuals. We’re all responsible for what we do and say. Right? But what if you do not act but react most of the time? What...
About Worry

About Worry

Our brains are often referred to as problem-solving mechanisms. We have a brilliant system in place that allows us to come up with a number of possible solutions to issues so we can pick the perfect action to take. When the system works well, we call it...