About Crying

About Crying

Crying is an expression of strong emotions. We can burst into tears when we feel hopeless or sad but also when we are overcome with joy. It lessens stress and pain. Shedding tears is also a very special skill because we are literally born with it. Unlike other...
About Stress

About Stress

Stress has been called anything from a “silent killer” to useful. There are books, courses, research papers and a lot of blog posts on the topic. So why am I adding to the pile? Because looking at stress from the angle of emotions might help you cope with...
About Anger

About Anger

Most people would call anger a negative emotion. Maybe even a dangerous one. Anger can be overwhelming, scary and unhealthy if you experience it too often. There’s nothing good about it, is there? At best, it’s a waste of energy, right? Allow me to...
Pent-Up Emotions

Pent-Up Emotions

You’ve tried one (or even all – kudos!) of the emotional hygiene techniques. You get it. Emotional hygiene really is important. You did the Yoga and tapped away and even spent an entire hour with your frustration but it’s still there! Why doesn’t it work for you? It...