Take Action Course

Habits Against Anxiety

6-day mini course

Anxiety is fear gone off the rails

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Take Action Course


7 short videos, clear instructions and information on point.


Mantra lists and 2 tracking sheets.


Unlock the bonus at the end.


Reach your highest potential: Label your feelings and feel your emotions.


Pursue your transformation through high-impact exercises in less than 10min a day


Turn your skills into habits and create your amazing new life.


Feel the rush of dopamine every time you take action.


Collect XPs for motivation and soar through your exercises.


Find the hidden surprises and celebrate every milestone.

Fix the system

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Woman burying her head in her hands.
Woman breathing freely.


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Can you even form a habit in 6 days?

No, you can’t. It takes between 30 – 90 days to form a new habit, depending on how easy the new habit is for you.

However, getting started with a new habit is the hardest part. This course helps you with that by leading you through a number of exercises to make your new habits as easy as possible. Step by Step. You also get a bonus tool to keep you going for at least 60 days with your new habits.

How much time does this course take every day?

The welcome video and task take about 10 minutes. Please plan 30 minutes for the course on the following 6 days.

Afterwards, your new habits will take about 15 minutes a day. Yes. That really is all you need.

I want a quick solution now. Can you deliver that?

If you are looking for techniques to help you cope with panic and anxiety attacks, please check out the FREE Anxiety Emergency Kit below. It is full of techniques you can use in emergencies.

The Habits Against Anxiety course is for long-term change. The goal of the course is to get you started on 2 new life-long habits. Anxiety is an emotion that is supposed to help us cope with scary and uncertain situations. You cannot get rid of it completely because like all emotions it’s a part of you.

BUT you can lessen your anxiety levels permanently so it won’t get in the way of your life anymore! This course teaches you the 2 most effective habits to lessen your anxiety levels long-term.

What if I don't like your voice?

Finding the right teacher for you is important. Please sign up for the free Anxiety Emergency Kit below and listen to one of the breathing exercises I recorded to make sure my voice doesn’t grate on you before you buy the course. Thanks!

(Yes, you subscribe for my newsletter but you can unsubscribe any time!)

How do you know this works?

These are the habits I used to lessen my anxiety levels permanently. I still use both every single day.

I have also started more new habits using all of the techniques I teach you in this course, including my favourite bonus tool to keep you going after the course.

I have trouble finishing online courses. Thoughts?

I hear you. That’s why this course is hosted on a platform called Xperiencify that allows me to use a lot of gamification to keep you going: You collect up to 100XP points in the course. I created animations and celebrations for you.

Gamification sounds silly but it really works because every time you collect your points and hear a fun sound your brain releases dopamine. This makes it a LOT easier for you to come back to the course every day and take action.

Sounds good. But what if I don't like the course after all?

You have 3 days to ask for a refund. That means you can try the entire first module, see if the gamification works for you, and if you find the content and the action steps useful.

If not, no problem. Send me an e-mail at info@ei-forlife.com or use the contact form to ask for a refund.

I suffer from severe anxiety but don't want to see a therapist. Can I just do your course instead?

This course is not a replacement for therapy. Please seek professional help when you need it!

Anxiety emergency kit.